Enjoy life

You never stop growing 

It’s funny how the older you get the more you realize how much you do not know! I sort of love that aspect of “maturing”. 

I remember when I was some years younger always feeling like I had to prove my point, be validated… Be right! 

Now I can smile at times when someone else has the need to be right. It’s okay. Let them. 

Life is full of lessons and I found that we really never stop growing, learning, unlearning, developing, and evolving. That’s the way it’s meant to be. To stay stuck in cycles of what we know or how we’ve always done it can short change us from the depth of a full life. 

So listen, smile, and don’t take yourself too seriously. I promise you life is better that way! 

Aspiring Writer In Me! · Enjoy life

Longing For More

I wonder if anyone else ever feels like I do. There’s a huge part of me that is not satisfied. I cannot explain the “why”. I know I’m blessed. I’m blessed in so many great ways and yet something feels unfinished. It’s like an uneasy feeling in the pit of my soul. Sometimes I will feel so deeply from that part of me during a song, or a story I hear or read. But usually it’s just there.

When I play my piano and create melodies I feel fulfilled. When I created life x’s 6, I was fulfilled! When I know my life has touched another person’s life in a big way I am fulfilled. When I have quiet ALONE time (which is SO rare in my world) I feel very fulfilled and energized and focused. In my world those moments are so rare. I grab them briefly here and there. I think sometimes that’s the best thing I can do. When I create, whether art, music, styles, writing, or decor.. I am very fulfilled. When I dance I am fulfilled.

Aspiring Writer In Me! · Enjoy life

The Amazing Strength of a Woman

You never realize how intricately your emotions are knit within your soul. As women, we often are the “glue” that holds everything together. We are the nurturers who clean the wounds and place a bandage on a child’s knee. We are the “calm” in the midst of a storm. We are the “hugs” when someone’s heart has been broken. We are the planners, the empowerers, the dream launchers and the one stable force in our society.
So many times we carry such a large load. We wear many hats and we are okay with that, in fact we thrive doing life that way.

I can attest to the fact that there comes a time when the mountain of emotions well up inside you. There’s a time when you’re all alone, that all you can do is exhale and maybe a few tears roll down your cheeks because you carry so much of the needs of others.

It’s times like these that we cannot base our realities on our feelings. We have to just recognize that we needed a moment to unwind, but that doesn’t mean we are falling apart or losing it. It means we are human beings of the xx chromosome factor. We are strong, and yet tender.

One thing I have learned about myself and from watching others close to me is that we, as women, have a unique ability to revamp and get back up and make it through crisis. It’s a God-given trait, I believe. We can be the cheerleaders of life, the mentorers, the supporters, the starters~ we truly are remarkable beings.

Aspiring Writer In Me! · Enjoy life

Home is Where “they” Are.

Every year I get away with the family for a week or so just to recharge. Often it’s Southern California we go to because we have a lot of family living there. I look forward to the beach every year. I was blessed to live in OC for 11 years from my college years and young adult years. Beach was a part of normal life. My husband is a native Santa Barbara born guy. Needless to say, we have beach in our blood. But…. We live in the desert.

We moved to Arizona several years ago. There are times I wonder about why we left.. But now we are so invested and this is where we are planted. One thing I do not miss about Southern California is the traffic!

When we returned from our trip, I have to say one thing I love about the greater Phoenix area is how clean it is.

Regardless of  locations Home for me is where my kids and husband are, whether beach, or desert, as long as we are together, we are “home”.
